“The glue” @almostdeadyet think piece
Almostdeadyet aka ADY aka Jesse, is a graphic designer born and raised in duval. Whose work consists of clothing brand graphic t shirt designs, event flyers, album covers, musicians tour schedules, humorous think pieces, commentary on current events, and much more. He draws inspiration from pop culture, tv, anime, video games, hip hop and I’m assuming anything he consumes and enjoys. Has worked with notable figures both local, and internationally recognized. Most prominent being Cole Bennet of lyrical lemonade. In Jacksonville it’s almost like a right of passage to have worked with ADY. His graphics are always easily recognizable due to his signature half empty hp bar, use of skeletons, flames, dripping liquids and his own font. Whether a sticker for KEONI, a graphic for Scared Money, and event flyer to the latest most in tune event organizer, you’ve certainly seen his work without realizing. I connected to Jesse early on during the inception of time-place back when I was still doing apparel to fund raise for eyewear. I was a bit of an ignorant shithead, Jesse’s positive attitiude and outlook on life had an effect on me. I was new here and looking to make some noise, whether that meant pissing on the biggest building or stirring up some shit up. Jesse was from Jax, loved Jax, and wanted to see everybody win regardless of if he liked someone or not. I was taken back by his approach towards others. Made me reflect on my own and realize I had some maturing to do. If you asked Jesse he would tell you he was an introvert, which he might be, but once you get him talking he unzips and pours. Over flowing with knowledge. I dm’d Jesse once letting him know I believed he was the glue of the city. No more than 48 hours, the image above appeared on my feed and on the stories of many people I followed. Jesse’s like a sponge of good taste, like a true artist he absorbs the world around him and exports visual excellence. Every day he’s got the same message for his following “create today” for me it’s become synonymous with who he is. He has a deep love for the people around him and enjoys nothing more than to see what said people come up with. If you can impress Jesse, you got something good.