My proudest project

Right now a project is in the works that I’ve been losing sleep over. Crafting the idea and the product it’s self felt like a no brainer. It’s on brand for time-place, it fits into the artists realm. It’s mixing two mediums that I don’t believe have ever been mixed. Even found someone with much more sophisticated filming and editing skills than my self. So it will be the first time-place commercial not shot on my iPhone and edited in iMovie. Not that I don’t enjoy shooting and directing time-places promotional material. In fact I got quite good at it in the last short 18 months. But with this project I’ll be able to story tell and direct, without any technical limitations. That’s powerful. Having the ability to execute something 100% how it’s imagined. It’s a story of triumph and heritage, preservation and modernization. It’s the story of one of my favorite visual artists in Jacksonville, going back to her roots and adopting a technical skill practiced so long before her time and a philosophy that’s spoken to me my entire life. One of grace and acceptance. Of course the frames are fire as always, but it’s the thoughts that go into them I’m excited to share. I’ve been an entrepreneur since I conducted my first drug deal. But to create something with so much personal meaning to myself and collaborater is something I haven’t done before.  It’s keeps me up at night as I’m unsure if it well resonate with others, but mostly what keeps me wondering is how it’ll feel to do something for myself.
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